A new steam plan

In the beginning of the nineteen eighties the former GDR had become the place for railway fans to pilgrim to, for in West Germany steam trains had ceased to run on state tracks in October 1977. But the GDR has now also been history since 1990, just like steam rail travel. Rail fans have come up with the idea of a new steam plan which has made it possible to experience the machines operating exactly as they did when they were in service.

A new steam plan In the beginning of the nineteen eighties the former GDR had become the place for railway fans to pilgrim to, for in West Germany steam trains had ceased to run on state tracks in October 1977. But the GDR has now also been history since 1990, just like steam rail travel. Rail fans have come up with the idea of a new steam plan which has made it possible to experience the machines operating exactly as they did when they were in service.

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