Only rarely do MINAZ locomotives run on state railway tracks with normal freight trains. Here we see locomotive 1850 travelling from the CAI Ifraín Alfonso in Ranchuelo with two box cars and a caboose.

Only rarely do MINAZ locomotives run on state railway tracks with normal freight trains. Here we see locomotive 1850 travelling from the CAI Ifraín Alfonso in Ranchuelo with two box cars and a caboose.

Ranchuelo, Andreas Reinhard, 1850, Nordamerika, Cuba

 Only rarely do MINAZ locomotives run on state railway tracks with normal freight trains. Here we see locomotive 1850 travelling from the CAI Ifraín Alfonso in Ranchuelo with two box cars and a caboose. Ranchuelo, Andreas Reinhard, 1850, Nordamerika, Cuba

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