The Wuppertal snow-cutter 6410, known from 1968 onwards as 947 5 160, was preserved as a display train. In the summer of 1984 it went on show for the jubilee of the main workshops Offenburg. It can normally be found in the DGEG railway museum in Neustadt (Weinstrasse).

The Wuppertal snow-cutter 6410, known from 1968 onwards as 947 5 160, was preserved as a display train. In the summer of 1984 it went on show for the jubilee of the main workshops Offenburg. It can normally be found in the DGEG railway museum in Neustadt (Weinstrasse).

Offenburg, Werner Wölke, Weking Risse, Schneeschleuder, Europa, Deutschland

 The Wuppertal snow-cutter 6410, known from 1968 onwards as 947 5 160, was preserved as a display train. In the summer of 1984 it went on show for the jubilee of the main workshops Offenburg. It can normally be found in the DGEG railway museum in Neustadt (Weinstrasse). Offenburg, Werner Wölke, Weking Risse, Schneeschleuder, Europa, Deutschland

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