The route running through the town of La Chaus-de-Fonds provides a beautiful backdrop for the long IGE special train as part of the jubilee parade of the Swiss railways in 1997.

The route running through the town of La Chaus-de-Fonds provides a beautiful backdrop for the long IGE special train as part of the jubilee parade of the Swiss railways in 1997.

La Chaux-de-Fonds, Joachim Reinhard, Schmalspurbahn, Dampflok, E 206, Europa, Schweiz

 The route running through the town of La Chaus-de-Fonds provides a beautiful backdrop for the long IGE special train as part of the jubilee parade of the Swiss railways in 1997. La Chaux-de-Fonds, Joachim Reinhard, Schmalspurbahn, Dampflok, E 206, Europa, Schweiz

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