On the DGEG tour between Salzach and Drau (21.-23. 07. 1989) it was possible to take this wonderful photo of the glass train against the breathtaking scenery of the Austrian Alps.

On the DGEG tour between Salzach and Drau (21.-23. 07. 1989) it was possible to take this wonderful photo of the glass train against the breathtaking scenery of the Austrian Alps.

Peter Reinhard, ET91 BR491, 491 001-4, Europa, Österreich

 On the DGEG tour between Salzach and Drau (21.-23. 07. 1989) it was possible to take this wonderful photo of the glass train against the breathtaking scenery of the Austrian Alps.  Peter Reinhard, ET91 BR491, 491 001-4, Europa, Österreich

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