The impossible happens - the German border has fallen and at the border crossing of Falkenstein (route Ludwigstadt - Probstzella) the glass train is about to enter what at the time was still the GDR (German Democratic Republic 1949 - 1990). The border control officials view this as yet still unusual cross-German meeting with vigilance.

The impossible happens - the German border has fallen and at the border crossing of Falkenstein (route Ludwigstadt - Probstzella) the glass train is about to enter what at the time was still the GDR (German Democratic Republic 1949 - 1990). The border control officials view this as yet still unusual cross-German meeting with vigilance.

Falkenstein, Peter Reinhard, ET91 BR491, 491 001-4, Europa, Deutschland

 The impossible happens - the German border has fallen and at the border crossing of Falkenstein (route Ludwigstadt - Probstzella) the glass train is about to enter what at the time was still the GDR (German Democratic Republic 1949 - 1990). The border control officials view this as yet still unusual cross-German meeting with vigilance. Falkenstein, Peter Reinhard, ET91 BR491, 491 001-4, Europa, Deutschland

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