The GySEV (Raab-Oedenburg-Ebenfurt Railway) was frequently the final destination of the DGEG's special tours. The steam locomotive no. 17 (built 1885) stands in the station at Neufeld/Leitha with its unusual wagons in tow.

The GySEV (Raab-Oedenburg-Ebenfurt Railway) was frequently the final destination of the DGEG's special tours. The steam locomotive no. 17 (built 1885) stands in the station at Neufeld/Leitha with its unusual wagons in tow.

Neufeld/Leitha, Peter Reinhard, ET91 BR491, 491 001-4 & GySEV 17, Europa

 The GySEV (Raab-Oedenburg-Ebenfurt Railway) was frequently the final destination of the DGEG's special tours. The steam locomotive no. 17 (built 1885) stands in the station at Neufeld/Leitha with its unusual wagons in tow. Neufeld/Leitha, Peter Reinhard, ET91 BR491, 491 001-4 & GySEV 17, Europa

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