Impressions of the shunting manoeuvres which were necessary to unload the complete "FC" type open hopper trainload. Here the partially emptied wagons (compare picture 367) are hauled to the ground storage bin. As this was constructed to be very small, only "FC" type open hoppers could be used here.

Impressions of the shunting manoeuvres which were necessary to unload the complete "FC" type open hopper trainload. Here the partially emptied wagons (compare picture 367) are hauled to the ground storage bin. As this was constructed to be very small, only "FC" type open hoppers could be used here.

Düsseldorf-Flingern, Dr. Joachim Leitsch, Dampfspeicherlok, Werkbahn, Europa, Deutschland, NRW

 Impressions of the shunting manoeuvres which were necessary to unload the complete

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