The 91 6376 with its combined goods and passenger train makes a hasty departure, as they are not supposed to occupy the main route longer than necessary. In a moment it will turn off on to the secondary route.

The 91 6376 with its combined goods and passenger train makes a hasty departure, as they are not supposed to occupy the main route longer than necessary. In a moment it will turn off on to the secondary route.

Oberwengern, Andreas Reinhard, Museumsbahn, Dampflok, ELNA, BLE 146, Europa, Deutschland, NRW

 The 91 6376 with its combined goods and passenger train makes a hasty departure, as they are not supposed to occupy the main route longer than necessary. In a moment it will turn off on to the secondary route. Oberwengern, Andreas Reinhard, Museumsbahn, Dampflok, ELNA, BLE 146, Europa, Deutschland, NRW

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