Behind Hombourg-Budange the former tunnel of the route Thionville -Bouzonville runs under the tracks between Waldwisse and Vigy, the southern section of which is still run as a working steam railway. BB 12091 is on its way to Bouzonville.

Behind Hombourg-Budange the former tunnel of the route Thionville -Bouzonville runs under the tracks between Waldwisse and Vigy, the southern section of which is still run as a working steam railway. BB 12091 is on its way to Bouzonville.

Hombourg-Budange, Andreas Reinhard, Europa, Frankreich

 Behind Hombourg-Budange the former tunnel of the route Thionville -Bouzonville runs under the tracks between Waldwisse and Vigy, the southern section of which is still run as a working steam railway. BB 12091 is on its way to Bouzonville. Hombourg-Budange, Andreas Reinhard, Europa, Frankreich

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