An Adra-based WG is ready for departure in front of the Bankura-passenger.Adra shed´s locos were allways in a fantastic condition- a steamloco that could competite with the colours at the crowded platform was not that common in 1993!

An Adra-based WG is ready for departure in front of the Bankura-passenger.Adra shed´s locos were allways in a fantastic condition- a steamloco that could competite with the colours at the crowded platform was not that common in 1993!

Christoph Oboth, Asien, Indien

 An Adra-based WG is ready for departure in front of the Bankura-passenger.Adra shed´s locos were allways in a fantastic condition- a steamloco that could competite with the colours at the crowded platform was not that common in 1993! Christoph Oboth, Asien, Indien

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