This family was threatened with unemployment, the condition of the engine in the background demonstrated dramatically the near end of steam ! As relatives of a railwayman, the family was allowed to enter the shed to gather some coal out of the hot ashes - just after clearing the fiere of a YP-loco at Samatipur shed.

This family was threatened with unemployment, the condition of the engine in the background demonstrated dramatically the near end of steam ! As relatives of a railwayman, the family was allowed to enter the shed to gather some coal out of the hot ashes - just after clearing the fiere of a YP-loco at Samatipur shed.

Christoph Oboth, Asien, Indien

 This family was threatened with unemployment, the condition of the engine in the background demonstrated dramatically the near end of steam ! As relatives of a railwayman, the family was allowed to enter the shed to gather some coal out of the hot ashes - just after clearing the fiere of a YP-loco at Samatipur shed. Christoph Oboth, Asien, Indien

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