German Kriegsloks have survived in many places in Turkey. Allthough in 1994 this partcular one was half scrapped, it was still present on a Sivas scrapyard in march 2001.

German Kriegsloks have survived in many places in Turkey. Allthough in 1994 this partcular one was half scrapped, it was still present on a Sivas scrapyard in march 2001.

Sivas, Christoph Oboth, BR52, Asien, Türkei

 German Kriegsloks have survived in many places in Turkey. Allthough in 1994 this partcular one was half scrapped, it was still present on a Sivas scrapyard in march 2001. Sivas, Christoph Oboth, BR52, Asien, Türkei

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